1. I was born of goodly parents and grandparents who loved me and did all they could to give me a successful life.
2. I was raised in a time when hard work, integrity, and self reliance were valued. Not dependent on others especially the government to help me.
3. I grew up in a town, and neighborhood where we were safe and free to play outside and learn to interact with each other. And just have fun being a kid.
4. I was privileged to be given a good education. I did not take advantage of all my opportunities, but that was my fault, not the system.
5. I am grateful I was raised with music and the love of playing and listening to good music still makes my life much better and enjoyable.
6. I am grateful for my belief in God and his many blessings upon me. I have always considered myself a lucky man, but maybe Heavenly Father has given me so many blessings that I just feel lucky.
7. I am grateful that I have never had a very serious illness or physical deformity other than a serious weight control problem.
8. I am thankful that I was told about, and had WLS. It has made my life so much better and I can do things just a year ago I though I could never be able to do again.
9. I am grateful I am a father, husband, grandfather and in fact a great grandfather. This was my life calling and makes me very happy.
10. Last and by no way the least, is the love and support of my wife Jackie. She has been my best friend, and supporter for over 50 years now. Side by side we have been together all these years, are hearts and souls are melded together very tightly and I am so happy that we found each other long ago. Without her, I am sure I would not have had the happy life I have enjoyed.
This is not the end of the things I am grateful for, just some things off the top of my head. More to come down the line.
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