Of course with my weight loss surgery in May of this year I spent some of the summer recovering from the surgery. I was real fortunate in that I had very little pain and was not sick at all. But there were maybe 3 weeks there that I was off my normal routine.
Jackie and I have been going to aerobic swimming classes for the past 6 years. Well to say they are aerobic is stretching it quite a bit. The classes are designed for older people in a salt water heated pool. Mainly unless you want to go beyond on your own, the class just keeps the old bones from freezing up and gets your blood moving a little more. Jackie and I are the kids in the class in our early 70’s. But there is at least one person in her 90s and many in their late 80s.
I try my best to really exaggerate the movements and try to get my heart beating as fast as I feel safe about. In the water it is hard to tell if you are sweating but you can feel your pulse going up and you can get out of breath, so you know you are doing something for yourself. At the end of the class they let me take a few laps and during this time I really get a lot of work and know I am for me getting close to aerobic.
This summer I also got a new bike and did quite a bit of biking on trails around the area. I really liked doing that and plan on doing it more for as long as I can. It is safe as I can go for long rides on trails here just set up for biking, walking and running. No cars to worry about. But with the rain and cold, I do not enjoy riding and will not do it until next spring so I have to find another exercise for the winter. We have a good treadmill but that is so boring. But I guess that is all I have besides walking when the skies are clear but around here that is not often.
Many people have different opinions about weight loss surgery and exercise. Some feel they can just have the surgery and let the weight fall off. Others feel they can use extreme exercise and eat a little more aggressively and still lost weight. Some like me feel you have to do both, eat on the plan given by your surgery team and nutritionist and do some kind of routine exercise each day. I feel that part of the program is learning a new life style you plan on having for the rest of your life. Finding the foods you like and can tolerate and finding exercise that you enjoy doing that is fun for you is part of the big picture and will assure your long term success.