I went to a visit with my PCP (Personal Care Physician), yesterday. After examining me and going over my charts she said I should be considered a poster child for WLS. Every indicator is great. I was on a small amount of blood pressure medications and she even took me off that. I had been complaining that I was a little dizzy and after looking at my BP numbers she said my BP was too low and took me off even the small amount I was on. So now I am not on any medications other than the dietary supplements I take on a regular basis.
What a wonderful change for me. I used to take over 11 different pills each night and several each day. I also had to take insulin shots 2 times a day. I am so glad that is over. She did however emphasize that I am still a diabetic. It is like being an alcoholic, you are really never over it, it will be part of your life for as long as you live. It is just under control and in complete remission. But I know if I let my guard down that it can and will come right back.
Now that the holidays are over and all the hubbub of that time comes to a close. Jackie and I are taking the decorations down and planning on other activities. But the weather here is kind of bad with all the cold weather and rain, so most of what we are doing is inside stuff. We plan on doing some touch up stuff and maybe painting our master bedroom and bathroom. We are going to rearrange some furniture and just make changes where we want.
I want to get back to doing more outside stuff on the yard and house and will start that in the Spring as soon as I can. One of the fun things I am doing now is taking some of the old….over 20 years old…. 8mm camcorder files from my old camera and converting them to files on my computer. The plan is to copy them on to DVDs and keep them for reference and passing on to the family. I have about half my library done at this time and hope to have it all done next week. One of the things noticed is how Jackie and my weight and appearance have changed over time. We were younger then of course and I had more hair, but really in some ways I look better now than I did then. In most cases, at that time just as I had retired from my normal line of work, I was at a low point in weight, but to be honest, I look much thinner now and I am not even at goal. Of course just after those pictures were taken I had a tummy tuck and that made a big difference in my appearance. Now that I have lost my weigh again the TT is still in effect and I look slimmer in cloths now than I did then. Naked, I am not so sure, now I am a lot like an old dried up prone. My butt looks like the craters of the moon. Not a good view.
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