Les Miserables a story of repentance, redemption, and salvation. I have seen the stage play at least 3 times, Have the music, several different ones. Never read the book. Kind of understood the story from seeing other movie productions and stage plays. Never really understood the story until I saw the movie last night.
What an experience. I am not one who normally likes musical movies. But I want to say that only the brain dead music hater would not love this movie. The singers for the most part may not have been as good as some of the people I have heard on stage, but what the director did was to have them sing/act. That is sing on stage live as they acted. It was extremely effective. You could see and hear the emotions in what they were doing instead of just lip syncing to a prerecorded sound track done in a studio.
The scenery is outstanding and spectacular. The performances of the actors was amazing. I had to take many occasions to wipe tears from my eyes. I was not the only one in the theater to do so. I could hear other people sobbing quietly around me. It really effected me emotionally especially at the end. I did not want it to end and can assure you I will buy it when it comes out.
The only drawback was that it was not shown here in an IMAX theater. The music as good as it is could have been much louder. But as there is very little dialog that is not sung, maybe they did not want the music to overpower the words. But the theater I was in had the volume way to low.
Please go to the movie with someone you love. I never realized the background religious meaning of the story. In this world today it is great to see something of value like this coming out of Hollywood. I have seen most of the pictures nominated for the Academy Award, and as much as I loved Lincoln, this film is better and Hugh Jackman is the best actor of the year in my opinion.